Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Government Shutdown Affecting Crabbers

The government shutdown is not only affecting businesses within the D.C. area dramatically, it is also responsible for shutting down one of Alaska's most sustainable and notable fisheries.  The Alaskan king crab fishery was supposed to open this week, but will not due to the Fed's shutdown.  The Federal agents responsible for setting the individual quotas for the fishery, a system that enables the fishery to remain a sustainable one, are out of work due to the politically charged stoppage.  Fishermen were interviewed at the docks yesterday in Alaska and in typical maritime fashion, they had some colorful things to say.   

I don't know about you, but I simply love fresh Alaskan crab legs.  I urge that if you see any politicians out having fun this week remind them that its a short season to get these great crabs, so they need to get back to work.  In all seriousness, I hope there is a resolution soon.  Fishermen's livelihoods are at stake, many depend on the lucrative winter king crab season to get them through the rest of the year.  It's not just a running joke for The Daily Show now, people who depend on the government for employment are really beginning to feel the effects and desperately need to get back to work.  Let's hope we are able to get some fresh Alaskan crab soon.


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