Here's a reminder for all you seafood heads out there clamoring for great product with short windows of availability, Nantucket Bay Scallop season has begun!!! Nantucket Bay scallops are thought to be the tastiest, sweetest scallops there are and now they are available at BlackSalt Market. The season begins November 1st and lasts until March 31st or until the temperature drops below freezing. Usually the latter halts production sometime in December or even earlier.

To say that quantities are limited and demand is high is an understatement. Nantucket's are usually one of the most expensive items to be found in the market, especially if they are fresh. Don't be too discouraged though, they are rich in flavor and usually you do not need a ton to get your fill; a little under a pound usually does the trick for entrees and a quarter of a pound for apps. Beware though, when you get a taste of these candies you could very easily become addicted. In my years of running a market and selling seafood I have seen fist fights break out over Nantucket Bays more than once, usually ending with the victor savoring their spoils and flaunting their trophy with a newly forming shiner. You have to taste them to understand.
Our Nantucket Bay scallops at BlackSalt are coming directly from Mr. Steve Bender, a seasoned fisherman on Nantucket who has been producing scallops and oysters longer than some seafood companies have been in existence. He harvests, shucks, and ships, ensuring that BlackSalt has the freshest scallops in D.C. When you are paying a premium for a hot product, isn't it better to get the best? We think so. Most people like to saute the scallops lightly in butter and salt for no more than 30 seconds, though I highly recommend eating them raw. Enjoying them 'in the nude' allows you to savor their natural sweetness, a delicate flavor than only nature can produce. We will have the 'nannys' available every week, as long as temperatures hold out. My recommendation is enjoying them while they last, you never know which delivery will be the last of the season.
Seafood in the nude. Always best.